Abominations (AKA Minibosses)

UnderQuest will include a 10 card Abominations deck. This deck will be used to augment standard enemy cards and make the foe deadlier. In most cases you will only be adding the prefix (left) portion to enemy cards, but in the case of the exalted foe dungeon card, you will have to add both the prefix from one card and the suffix from another card. This essentially creates a miniboss. The prefix side refers to a description of the enemy. Are they physically stronger or faster, or are they undead or have elemental power. The suffix side refers to which spiritual plane they are aligned with. This will boost the enemy in many powerful ways as you can see below. With 18 enemy cards and 10 abomination cards the number of combinations for enemies is virtually endless. Let’s take a look at a couple examples of an Abomination card.

Here we have two examples of Abomination cards. On the left of each card is the prefix portion of the card and this is added to an enemy card often when you get into combat after drawing the second card in the dungeon deck on your turn. In rare occasions you will also have to add the right (suffix) portion of the card as well. You will never be asked to add the suffix portion without the prefix portion. The prefix side always adds a bonus power, but also a weakness to the enemy. Both the prefix and suffix sides add bonus treasure if the enemy is defeated. This feeds into the idea of the greater the risk, the greater the reward. Let’s take a look at an enemy that has had just the prefix added to it.

Here we have a relatively average enemy in the Kafar. This fellow has a chance of hitting you a fire attack at the beginning of combat and can poison you if they successfully hit. He does have some good defense as well. Now add the stout prefix and he becomes a bit more beefy, potentially adding 6 health. Extra health, in combination with a strong defense, make this guy a pretty tough foe. with 18 enemy cards in the base game and 10 Abomination cards, you have a total of 180 potential combos! Now lets look at some minibosses. Muhahahahaha!

Here we have the fairly weak Goblin that has been elevated to a miniboss that is not so weak anymore. He gains the d6 extra health from the stout prefix and gains 1 defense from the suffix side. He will also add 2 fire damage to all successful hits. On the plus side, his 6 initiative drops to 4. Maybe not the scariest miniboss, but definitely puts him up there with some of the stronger base enemies. Now lets use the same two prefixes and suffixes on a stronger base enemy to create a formidable miniboss.

In the example we get a Stout Wraith of Glanoc! This gal is quite terrifying. She already has the ability to heal every time she successfully hits and now she starts out with extra health and defense! Successful hits also deal 2 fire damage! Now this is not something you want to tangle with. Let’s look at another example.

Here we have an Unholy Orc of Norcia! This is an undead orc that is weak to both fire and holy damage, which could prove useful for us. However, you will be gaining a curse token and taking 2 ice damage every time he hits! He is also immune to ice damage, but that likely is not a huge deal. Now lets use the same two Abomination cards and swap out the enemy with one that really becomes an issue.

The Unholy Shade of Norcia is a prime example of how the certain Abomination cards work really well with certain enemy cards to create some boss-level enemies. The absolute scariest part about this guy is that you gain 2 curse tokens every time this foe successfully hits, along with 2 ice damage. Unholy make him weak to holy attacks, but he was already weak to holy attacks, so there is no real gain there for you. He is also now immune to all ice damage. Let us not forget that the shade has an imitative of 8, which means he is likely striking first. Yikes!

Thanks for taking the time to learn about the Abomination deck. I am very excited with how this simple 10 card deck has the ability to take 18 enemies and make hundreds of potential foes out of them. Stay tuned, there is more to come…

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